=4th, 5th and 6th Stations=
The crowd pressed among the walls of the houses of the narrow streets wanted eagerly to witness all happening. JESUS was tired and has done a pause in the walking. HIS Body was covered of wounds that bled. In the head, where was the ignoble crown of thorns, has gone down a blood flow by the face covering the eyes and darkening the vision. Depressed HE came across the glance sad and sorrowful of Mary. HIS MOTHER full of affliction was impressed with the wickedness of the world. She felt a pungent pain to cross your heart witnessing all that terrible and brutal suffering that her dear SON faced.
Oh JESUS, by the compassion which YOU felt for YOUR MOTHER, has compassion for us and gives us a share of her intercession. Our most afflicted MOTHER, intercede for us, that through the sufferings of YOUR SON, we may bear with courage the sorrows of this life.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU!
(To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed
the world! (To lift)
JESUS, Mary and the Disciples have gone Jerusalem
to participate in the Jews’ Passover, as all years, in obedience the Law. But with prison
of JESUS the things changed. The days that would be of joy and happiness have been
transformed on days of pain and suffering. When OUR LADY knew of the SON’S prison,
she went the search OF HIM.
And it went on the way to Calvary that MOTHER
and SON met.
In the preparation of a wedding and during the children's creation,
the parents always project a lot of happiness for whole family and they want that each one
it accomplish your ideal. With this objective they make a great effort trying to harmonize
the behavior of the relatives, of such way, that the life in family it can be pleasant in all the
aspects. But sometimes, the parents are caught of surprise with news that oppresses the
heart! It's a daughter that goes out from home or is pregnant in the adolescence; it's a son
that left the right way to use drugs, or suffered a violent accident... And in consequence,
a pain sword crosses the heart of the parents!
LORD, teach us to have solidarity with those sufferer,
giving us forces for together with them, we may to face the fight of the existence and
help them to recover the health, the happiness and the life.
It sees the MOTHER'S pain beloved / who meets sad / with Your SON in affliction / with Your SON in affliction.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.
HE was weakened, tired, without to sleep at night and without food, besides the mistreatments and the flagellation in the Praetorian. It seemed difficultly HE would arrive at the place of the crucifixion on the Golgotha that means Place of the Skull or Calvary. Simon that worked in the field, he went back in direction contrary for your house. He was known by name "Cyrenian" and they forced him to carry the Cross to JESUS.
Oh JESUS, just as Simon relieved YOU of YOUR burden, inspires us also to console YOU by our prayers of reparation and love.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU!
(To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed
the world! (To lift)
Simon worked early in the field, he didn't know the LORD
and nor knew why HE was being condemned to die in the Cross.
Certainly JESUS perceived the event, looked at that man
and gave him the blessing. And the blessing of GOD'S SON stayed for ever in the life
of Simon and of all his family.
The people that live isolated, as those advanced in years
and which are abandoned in the asylums, the migrants that live far away from the families,
the children that live in the streets, they carry alone its cross... But, like they stay happiest
when somebody if approaches and wants in doing friendship!
Every time that we make some thing to alleviate the
person's suffering, we are renewing the gesture of Simon, the
Cyrenian that helped JESUS to carry the Cross.
On the way to Calvary / All aid is necessary / doesn't deny HIM the Cyrenian / doesn't deny HIM the Cyrenian.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.
By the fact to have surpassed the gate of the wall that closed the city, great part of the people already knowing those scenes, they lost the interest and dispersed. A woman approached of the LORD and dried YOUR bloodstained Face.
Oh JESUS, may the contemplation of YOUR HOLY FACE enkindle in our hearts a more fervent love for YOU, and it may YOUR Image be graved on our minds and souls until we are transformed into YOUR likeness.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU!
(To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed
the world! (To lift)
The procession of the Calvary followed its route. A lot of people
all observe at distance. A woman seeing she did not want to remain indifferent. Her name
was Veronica. She went with determination in the crowd, it escaped from the Roman soldiers
and it dried JESUS' Face.
And in the cloth that Veronica dried the LORD'S Face the
GOD'S SON image stayed graved.
Today we see the image of the sufferer server on the face
of our marginalized brother by the society, and we cannot be indifferent, we needed
to help them doing some thing.
The Campaign against the Hunger is very useful and
important to alleviate the suffering of the needy families. Help us LORD, to be more
generous, to have courage to seek and to participate of the fight against the poverty
and the suffering in the periphery of the great cities and mainly in our country.
See the Face bloody / per dried Veronica / That in the cloth it appeared / that in the cloth it appeared.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.