=7th, 8th and 9th Stations=
Oh JESUS, our repeated falls into sin have added to the burden which YOU carried for our Redemption. As YOU are weakened by the weight of our sins, we are the cause of this second fall. Please give us the strength to offend YOU never again.
Plus a space walked of a distance approximately 600 meters that it separated the Roman Court on the Fortress Antonia of the Calvary, place of the crucifixion. HIS fatigue was very large. The soldiers without any pity have pushed HIM so that HE stumbled. A point of stone oblique in the road became obstacle and knocked down HIM by the second time.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU!
(To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed the
world! (To lift)
JESUS knew which would face a cruel suffering. HIS Spirit
was prepared, but the Body was tired and abated. HE walked with difficulty, and once
again it tripped and fell.
HE was suffering because of our many sins; HE was being
punished because of our wickedness inconceivable.
A lot of families follow with difficulties by the roads of the
life. There are many obstacles: distrusts, fights, alcoholism, drugs, hunger, diseases, etc.
There are moments of falls, when everything seems to have reached at the end. Let's
go to remind at JESUS' perseverance, the faith, the force and HIS courage and
let's go to inspire in YOUR model, lifting the head to continue firm on our
LORD protects us of the difficulty that it wants to interrupt
our walk existential. Increase our faith and our hope.
Again fainting / by the abated pains / fall per earth the Savior / falls per earth the Savior.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.
Oh JESUS, just as YOU instructed the women of Jerusalem, please instruct us in the ways of virtue and help us to escape the dreadful judgments prepared for all who reject or neglect YOU in this life.
The zealous Roman guards in the execution of the mission didn't allow at the LORD to stop nor a little to rest. They were already close to Calvary Mount, when JESUS observed women beside the road that lamented YOUR sufferings.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU!
(To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed the
world! (To lift)
Among those that accompanied and witnessed to uncoil of
the events, there were some women posted beside the road they cried and lamented
because OF HIM. JESUS looked to them and said:
"Daughters of Jerusalem do not weep for me; weep
instead for yourselves and for your children.”
(Luke 23; 28)
OUR LORD doesn't want the people stay only looking and
lamenting HIS suffering. HE wants that the people they go back to the reality of its
own lives, seeing the situations of sufferings caused by the reverses of the existence
and they decide to fight for overcomes all difficulties, above all, not forgetting to exercise
the needs of the spirit to count with the precious aid of GOD, objectifying to win
all the obstacles.
LORD strengthens the faith in the people's heart that work
in defense of the family and of the human promotion.
Of the women that cried / that faithfully accompanied / is JESUS consoler / is JESUS consoler.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.
Oh LORD JESUS, we entreat YOU, by the merits of this third most painful fall, to pardon our frequent relapse and our long continuance in sin. May the thought of YOUR sufferings grieve us and move us to make frequent acts of love and reparation.
Whole we have capacity to evaluate the greatness of the problems and the difficulties faced by OUR LORD. It went a barbarian and torment coward to a "MAN" that never reacted the any wickedness.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU!
(To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed the
world! (To lift)
After speaking with the women that cried, JESUS retaked
the road, but the Roman soldiers, severe and violent men, pushed HIM again with more
brutality provoking the third fall.
HE was arrested, convict and taken to be dead, and nobody
cared with what would happen to HIM.
The organization of the people in associations, groups of
families and others groups can help to preserve and to improve the conditions of the
people's life. For example: many creatures already got to win the viciousness of the
drugs and of the alcoholism, with the community's help! The Association " Anonyms Alcoholic " exists to help in the dependents recovery of alcoholic
drinks. Also there is the Association
dependents recovery of drugs. The important is to make up for lost time,
we can't quit the life and to stay fallen by road.
LORD helps us to understand which is not good to stay
complaining of the sufferings of the existence. We needed to act with decision for
build of a better life. Give us sensibility and patience!
HE falls third time prostrated / by the redoubled weight / of the sins and of the Cross / of the sins and of the Cross.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.