=1st, 2nd and 3rd Stations=
It was for our sins, Oh JESUS that YOU were condemned to suffer. Grant that we may detest our sins and by this repentance, obtain YOUR Mercy and Pardon.
It was finished the most abominable judgment process that we have news, never equaled in sordidness, in vileness and in the shameful baseness of its conclusions, involving prepared witness, with false accusations that have influenced to the condemnatory decision.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU! (To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed
the world! (To
Jude Iscariots betrayed his own friend giving JESUS to be
jailed. The soldiers have seized the LORD and took HIM before Pilate to be judged.
They have presented false accusations that have influenced the crowd to ask the
condemnation of HIM to death.
Pilate to please the crowd, it left them to take JESUS
to be crucified.
What happened with JESUS is happening today with the
families. It hears if few the voices to defend the family institution. The
"crowd ", formed by the mentality of the power, of the deceiving communication, goes
dividing the people, playing children against the parents in the search to gain advantages
and on behalf of a freedom that kills and enslaves goes crucifying the families.
In some families, the children need to leave the house
for seeking work and to study. But, in many families, the youths leave the house
"to experiment the freedom”. And the parents suffer with the lack of the
children's discernment and they stay sad with the daring experiences of them
that generally bring shame and disappointment.
At to die crucified / Your JESUS is condemned / by your crimes, sinner / by your crimes, sinner.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.
The Cross is an ancient barbarian instrument of capital punishment that was used to execute to the death the convicts. JESUS received the Cross, a thick and heavy log that supported in the shoulder.
O JESUS grant us by virtue of YOUR Cross, we may accept the difficulties of our state with meekness and cheerful submission. YOU can leave us always ready in conditions of to take up our cross and follow YOU.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU! (To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed
the world! (To
Before Pilate, some people screamed in defense of JESUS.
But it screamed the crowd stronger asking the crucifixion; and the shouting gained!
JESUS walking carried the Cross for the place called
Those do wickedness to the others forgets fast. But the
victims of the wickedness they follow by the road of the pain and of the suffering.
How many families are destroyed because the father or the mother has decided to abandon
the home and to follow others routes! Generally who it stays, has a heavy Cross
of the abandonment and many times of the impoverishment.
The happiness is not found per who only the search for
himself own. The only happiness that if has, it comes of that one who if it give. In a
marriage, the husband trying to do the happy wife, he will also be happy. And in the
same way, the wife trying to be pleasant and faithful to the husband, she also will be
much happier.
With the Cross is burdened / and of the weight humiliated / HE goes to die per YOUR love / HE goes to die per YOUR love. /
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.
Oh JESUS went for our sins that YOU bore the heavy burden of the Cross and fell for its weight. It might the thought about YOUR sufferings to make us more watchful with ourselves and save us of the falling into sin.
In a slope with stone rung, HE falls by first time, beating the strong left knee against the rustic floor, skinning it because of the weight of the Cross. The soldiers severe and cruel they used the whips and have forced HIM to get up and to continue walking.
We adore YOU, Oh CHRIST, and we bless YOU! (To kneel)
Because by YOUR Holy Cross YOU have redeemed
the world! (To
Beginning the mission JESUS said: “The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because he has
anointed ME to bring glad tidings to the poor. HE has sent ME to proclaim liberty to
captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to
proclaim a year acceptable to the LORD”.
(Luke 4. 18-19)
However, because of the people's wickedness, HIM
same became victim of the suffering.
Tired and abated by the
suffering, JESUS falls for earth pushed by the soldiers.
To marry, to constitute a family, to live in peace,
is the ideal that motivates the youths to the marriage. But, many couples aren't prepared
to face the difficulties of the life. Before the first problems, happens the fight and
they separate. It teaches us JESUS, the life not is of only good things. There are many
difficulties in our existential walking. Important is to have courage of to lift after each
falling and to follow on front.
LORD blesses our families. Help us to forgive the
weaknesses and the falls of each one, as YOU forget so many times of our sins. Help us walk
By Cross so much oppressed / Swooned JESUS falls / by your salvation / by your salvation.
By the painful Virgin / Your MOTHER so pious / Forgives me oh my JESUS / forgives me oh my JESUS.