of the Confirmation or Chrismation-
It is that gives us par excellence the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, printing in the soul of the Christian a Sacramental Character that it checks him readiness full, strengthening the convictions, consolidating him in the Faith, improving the other virtues received in the Baptism and also, doing him conscious of the duties and obligations of Christian. The Official Catechism of the Church affirms that: "THE imposition of the hands is with reason recognized by the Catholic Tradition as origin of the Confirmation’s Sacrament that perpetuates, in a certain way, in the Church, the grace of Pentecost".
Sacrament of the Eucharist or of the Sacred Communion -
It is the Sacrament that the SPIRIT gives us The LORD, under the species of
Bread and Wine. During Holy Mass's celebration, in the moment of the
Consecration, the supernatural phenomenon of "Transubstantiation"
happens, that is to say,
the HOLY SPIRIT transforms the bread and the wine, in the Body, Blood, Soul
and Divinity of JESUS, maintaining the same aspect of the bread species
and wine seemingly. The Official Catechism says that,
“the Eucharist is the
source and the apex of all life Christian. The other sacraments, as well as all the
ecclesiastical ministries and apostolic tasks, are linked the Sacred Eucharist and
at him is ordered, because the Sacred Eucharist contains all the well spiritual of the
Church, at to know, the own CHRIST, our Passover.".
The Sacrament of the Eucharist, of the Confirmation (or Chrismation) and the Baptism, they are the Sacraments of the "Christian Initiation”.
of the Penitence or Confession -
The priest is the minister. The SPIRIT grants him the power to forgive the sins in behalf of JESUS. In the afternoon of the Resurrection’s Day, the Disciples being gathered in the Cenacle, with the doors and shut windows, with fear of they may to suffer reprisals of the Jews that crucified JESUS, HE appeared them and said:
“Receive the HOLY SPIRIT. Those whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them, and those whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” (John 20, 22-23)
For the faithful to receive the graces of this Sacrament, it is need to prepare oneself in advance, making a responsible exam of conscience, remembering and evaluating the gravity of your sins, even of those are considered smaller and simpler, not if forgetting of any them, how demonstration of humility, honesty and regret, for to be accepted by the LORD, who him will grant the pardon, through the HOLY SPIRIT that acts in the priest..
Sacrament of the Unction of the Sick Persons and the Holy Viaticum -
The HOLY SPIRIT concedes temporary and spiritual alleviation to the sick and old, to tolerate with patience the uncomfortable and difficulties of the disease or of the age. This Sacrament also grants the pardon of the sins that were not spoken at the priest during the confession, besides to pardon, some sin rest that stayed in the sick soul or of the old in consequence of some incomplete Confession.
For a long time this sacrament was not well interpreted and it was considered as
precursor of the death. He was only used when the person was about to die.
However, instead of this, it is the Sacrament of the Life. An infinity of cases
they attest that when somebody is sick with a serious and complicated disease, with
tendency the death, or same in the cases in that the medical diagnosis doesn't
present excessive gravity, the people receiving the "Unction of the Sick and the Holy
Viaticum" (Sacred Communion to the sick persons and old), being of agreement
with the Will of GOD, he recover the health and turn normally to live normally.
For this reason, when a concrete case of disease exists, it is very important there to be the concern to call the priest with the end of to confess the sick person for leaving him in "state of grace", that is to say, capable to receive all the benefits of the Unction of the Sick persons and of the Holy Viaticum. If the sick person or old don’t have conditions to confess your sins, even so the priest will go to take the Sacrament of the Unction of the Sick persons and the Holy Viaticum.
The Unction and the Holy Viaticum allow to the SPIRIT to operate in the person on behalf of JESUS and to restore his health and your life, all by honor and glory largest of the LORD.
The Apostle Smaller James in his epistle illuminates the application of the sacrament and its real value:
“Is anyone ill among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the LORD. And a prayer of faith shall save the infirm, and the LORD shall alleviate him. And if he has sins, these shall be forgiven him. (James 5, 14-15)
The new Roman ritual confirms objectively, that the SPIRIT acts in this sacrament, curing the body and the sick person soul or old.
Sacramento of the Order -
It is the Sacrament received for those wishing to be priests. The DIVINE SPIRIT spills in the soul of the presbyter an appreciable amount of graces, besides granting him two supernatural gifts: to be the agent, through which, the HOLY SPIRIT acts and forgives the Sins, when in the exercise of the Confession’s Sacrament, and also in the Holy Mass, when the SPIRIT makes to happen the phenomenon of the Transubstantiation by priest's hands, during the Consecration, transforming the Bread and the Wine in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.
The priest is the continuator of the mission of JESUS and for that reason, he must
to be interested in the humanity's evangelization and also, to make curate
spiritual of the people through the sacraments and prayers.
Although a great part of the clergy secularized your habits, being devoted to mundane occupations, the Church seek to undertake a deep renewal in the priesthood, considering that the priests are essential to the continuation of the Christianity as JESUS wants, doing with that the student at a seminary understands the value of the vocation making every effort with the objective to be transformed in true priests, a presbyter that although being human equal at us, with defects and qualities, but they be law people, person completes that they know how to honor the graces, the gifts and the privileges of the vocation, and don’t to be simply a men, because men already exist many.
Sacrament of the Marriage -
It was instituted by the CREATOR and confirmed by JESUS. It has at finality to accomplish a Union Saint and Indissoluble between a man and a woman, giving them the graces of cultivating the love, living in harmony, fidelity and educating its children Christianly.
“And so the LORD GOD sent a deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and he completed it with flesh for it. And the LORD GOD built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman. And he led her to Adam. And Adam said: Now this is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh. This one shall be called woman, because she was taken from man. For this reason, a man shall leave behind his father and mother, and he shall cling to his wife; and the two shall be as one flesh”. (Genesis 2, 21-24)
“And so, now they are not two, but one flesh. Therefore, what GOD has joined together, let no man separate.” (Matthew 19, 6)
The quantity of graces that the SPIRIT OF GOD spills on the people, through the Sacraments, it is rich and plentiful, and has as primordial objectify the heart’s conversion and the sanctification of everybody, doing with that they be true saints, according to the CREATOR'S supreme will:
"Be holy, for I, the LORD your GOD, am Holy". (Leviticus 19, 2)