The Sacred Writing reveals the powerful force of the SPIRIT and the incommensurable
value of the Gifts that gratuitously grants to the people, that must exercise them in the
daily, to be the true witness of the LORD, working consciously for the transformation
of the living of the humanity, in a better world for whole.
JESUS’S Words and Attitudes, evidence the need of the people to stimulate the HOLY SPIRIT with prayers and supplications. HE same gave us the example as light to illuminate the road to be followed by all the generations. HE if submitted at the John's baptism, a penitence baptism, that it had the objective of preparing the people internally, inviting them to undertake a serious conversion program: repenting of the transgressions, repairing the not well practiced and each one correcting the directions of your existence, in order to they receive the Messiah worthily. JESUS, as the humblest of the sinners, it was dived by John the Baptist in the waters of the river Jordan and of them HE come out, glorified, anointed and testified by the SPIRIT and announced, by the ETERNAL FATHER:
“And it happened that, in those days, JESUS arrived from Nazareth of Galilee. And HE was baptized by John in the Jordan. And immediately, upon ascending from the water, he saw the heavens opened and the SPIRIT, like a dove, descending, and remaining with HIM. And there was a voice from heaven: You are my beloved SON; in you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1, 9-11)
JESUS when received of the ETERNAL FATHER the HOLY SPIRIT was constituted CHRIST. The word "CHRIST" is translation of "mashiah” of the Hebraic. It has also the signification of Anointed, Consecrated and Messiah, “That Messiah” which it was promised and announced by the Writing who it was to come.
Starting from this event, the four evangelists insist to emphasize that JESUS
was with the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and, consequently, it was covered of
all the Spiritual Charismas. So being, the LORD’s interventions represented by
phenomenon in great scale that the New Testament describes, and also the
supernatural manifestations that they happened at the Primitive Church, they are
manifestations of the SPIRIT, which continue in the present time, with the power
to drive the faithful to the fullness of the truth, doing that everybody they
understand CHRIST'S mysterious personality, as IN HIM the Writings
were true, and also, which the sense of HIS Words, of HIS Acts, of the
Signs that HE did (hundreds of miracles) and of all HIS Work.
Today we can say that the charismas are coming back at the middle of the people, not only in isolated cases, but also as communitarian phenomenon, during laudation meetings, in prayers groups and in the assemblies of supplications (cures, gifts of the languages, prophecy, etc.). Marvels happen everywhere, with the HOLY SPIRIT blowing with impetuous force and distributing gifts with the same profusion that HE operated in the apostolic time, with evident signs that we follow in direction to great events.
The HOLY SPIRIT knows the people individually and HE knows exactly what it is the better for each one, in the same way that foresees the realization capacity of creatures and what each person can do in benefit of one collectivity. For that reason, HE distributes Gifts to who HE wants, when HE wants and in the intensity that to find convenient:
“The SPIRIT inspires where he wills. And you hear his voice, but you do not know where he comes from, or where he is going. So it is with all who are born of the SPIRIT.” (John 3, 8)
In the same way that HE gives the gifts to people, HE can remove them. But there are many cases in that the SPIRIT also grants a certain charisma’s ministry permanently.
The official Catechism of the Church enumerates seven (7) the Spiritual Gifts: "Spirit of Holy Fear” ; “Spirit of Godliness” ; “Spirit of Wisdom” ; “Spirit of Understanding” ; “Spirit of Council”; “Spirit of Strength" . The translation of the “Seventy” enumerates seven talents also, but the Bible in Hebraic relates only six (6).
However, Saint Paul in his epistles mentions 19 charismas, that he denominates of
“Fruits of the SPIRIT”
. This means
to say, that we can’t and nor we should conclude that those nineteen Gifts are the single,
at the opposite, they exist a countless amount of Charismas, that are donated to the
humanity, for the good and prosperity of the Church. I want to say yet, they exist many
other Gifts that commonly the people denominate of “Personal Virtues”
but in fact they come of the blow of the HOLY SPIRIT.
In view of the plurality of Gifts, we will place in prominence the more known:
Gift of Speaking in Tongues
It went the first public experience of the SPIRIT, and happened in the Pentecost’s Day, as Luke described in the Acts of the Apostles. (Acts 2, 2-13)
In other example, HE spread Gifts among the Christians, as we can appreciate in the same book the manifestation of the HOLY GHOST that happened in the family of Cornelius:
“For they heard them speaking in tongues and magnifying GOD”. (Acts 10, 46)
Also among the neophytes (novice or new Christian), the SPIRIT if showed, spilling on them the same Gift of Speaking in Tongues:
“And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the HOLY SPIRIT went over them. And they were speaking in tongues and prophesying.” (Acts 19, 6)
To speak in Languages or "Glossolalia", it is a very special gift that it allows at the faithful to utter in state more or less of ecstasy, unintelligible sounds for most of the presents. Few understand what the person says. It speaks in the SPIRIT’s language. Therefore the SPIRIT enunciates mysterious things that they are driven to GOD, for the LORD’s glorification.
“And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the HOLY SPIRIT went over them. And they were speaking in tongues and prophesying”. (1 Corinthians 14, 13)
Gift of Interpret Different
Letting well clear the subject, we go to imagine five people: one German,
one French, one Italian, one American and a Brazilian, hearing a pretty explication on an
evangelical theme. The preacher says things in the language of the
SPIRIT. The German hears in its language; the Italian understands in its
language; the American also hears in its language and the same happens with the
Brazilian, all they appreciate the wonderful teaching, each one in its national
language. Only who didn't understand anything, in this example, has gone French,
probably with a faith little consistent, or absent-minded in his problems,
inwardly distant of the LORD’S HEART. This means to say, that although the
French also was participating of the charismatic meeting, he didn't know how to
stimulate the SPIRIT to act in his soul, while all the others they were open to
Divine Word, they were fertile soils, prepared and fertilized,
that they received the true seed of the love,
through that homily.
Then it is as soon as the manifestation of the Gift of the Tongues it must be understood: that it build somebody or that it be good to praise The LORD, in the same way as it happened in Jerusalem, with the crowd ravished when witnessing the theophany through the word of the Apostles. Each one of the foreigners that they were present they heard the words of the Disciples in its own language. Those that have heard and they have understood the teachings are the same that they was possessing the Gift of Interpreting them. This is the sense of the Charismas to Speak in Tongues and the Gift of Interpreting them.