Along the history of the
civilization, the HOLY SPIRIT in spite of being invoked daily in the
Celebrations Eucharistics and in Groups of Prayers, it is not very well-known
and it continues being forgotten by most of the Christians, that didn't have
access the precious letters of Saint Paul, whose content reveals HIS admirable
personality and the Divine power charismatic, which vivifies and actuate the
Excluding in the apostolic time, when the SPIRIT had a favorable space to act and operated with peerless prominence, along centuries HIS presence was seemingly occult.
With the accomplishment of the
Council Vatican II, happened the impulse that was lacking, through the several
manifestations of priests and bishops and mainly of the Pope Paul VI, exalting
the HOLY SPIRIT and inviting the Christians to know HIM, fact that if constituted
in an efficacious mark in the history of the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church.
However, although small
is necessary to mention the several previous occurrences, which were ordered as
initial stages in the knowledge of the SPIRIT. They have happened in a slow and
discontinuous way, but, they have gone inspired and positive, and they have had
the objective of placing the SPIRIT OF GOD in HIS prominence place in the
humanity's history. This way in the Ecumenical Councils of Nicaea (year 325) and
of Constantinople (year 381), they proclaimed the Symbol of the Faith, saying
who the "HOLY SPIRIT spoke
by the Prophets" and HE is also
“The LORD and Giver of life". In the last century, on 1897, the Pope Leo XIII
published the Encyclical Letter "Divinum
illud munus", was dedicated to the HOLY
GHOST and also, the lady Helena Guerra, in Italy, revealed to be a true apostle of the
HOLY SPIRIT; with perseverance and fervor she wrote many letters to the authorities,
motivating and proposing devotion manners at the SPIRIT; His Holiness the Pope
Pie XII, also have manifested in the Encyclical
“Mystici Corporis”, on June of 1943, in which
he makes public the to act admirable of the SPIRIT OF CHRIST and invites the
Christians to know it, in order for they receive benefit
by the charismas that HE spills on the people.
But without a doubt, it was in the
Council Vatican II that the SPIRIT OF GOD has had the opportunity to shine in a
concrete way, because being an ecumenical event, it attracted the attention of
everyone. In him, the priests of the Council defined the mission of the SPIRIT
and they gave it enhances to the extraordinary power of interior renewal that HE
operates in the Christians, they have approved the documents
"Ad Gentes" and
"Lumen Gentium",
as well as all the other documents, so important for the life of the Church.
The Pope Paul VI stimulated the modernization of the doctrine about the SPIRIT OF THE LORD, in the Encyclical “Evangelli Nuntiandi” . He said:
"HE is the soul of
this Church. HE is who explains at the faithful the deep sense of JESUS'
teachings and of HIS mystery. HE is who, today as in the beginning of the
Church, actuates in each preacher that if lets to possess and to drive by HIM,
and it puts in his lips the words that by itself would not find, and also
predisposing the soul of who listens, leaving it open and one who receives the
Good New with the Kingdom’s Announcement. The evangelization techniques are
good, but nor the more improved can substitute the discreet action of the
SPIRIT. The more refined preparation of the preacher doesn't get absolutely
anything without HIM. Without HIM, the most dialectic convincing is impotent on
the men's spirits. Without HIM, the elaborated outlines they revealed that lacks
all value”. (n.75)
In the opening of the third Session of the Council, His Holiness the Pope Paul VI has reminded again which have been two the agents that JESUS promised and HE sent to the continuity of HIS Work: The Apostolate and The HOLY SPIRIT”, saying:
"The Apostolate is
the external and objective agent, it forms so to say, the material body of the
Church, giving it visible and social structures; and the HOLY SPIRIT is the
internal agent, that acts inside each person, as well as HE influences in
the whole community, encouraging, vivifying and sanctifying ".
This way, many people stimulated by the pronouncements of the ecclesiastical authorities, after the Council Vatican II, they founded the Christian Charismatic Movement. This Movement awoke the Christians and all humanity for the reality of the SPIRIT, creating the nights and the days of glorification, demonstrating with joy and unction, a deep love at the HOLY GHOST and dedicating HIM a due and worthy honor, as manifestation of affection and of gratefulness, by HIS unmistakable performance in the Church.
However, still in our days, there are
many people that they didn't assimilate this reality correctly, because they
don't understand the action of the SPIRIT in the
humanity's life and in the
Church. A majority participates in the joy of the encounters, but generally they
behave, as if that meeting went an inconsequent and healthy way of amusement, or
as if it was an event that awakes the curiosity or simply a social encounter.
Many frequent the meetings charismatic captivated by the beauty of the music, but
they don't get to see the wonderful Work that the PARACLETE accomplishes in each
individual, independently of any the humanity's merit.
If per one side the mercy of the SPIRIT is very large, because when HE operates doesn't look the weaknesses and the people's limitations, on the other hand HE doesn't also lose the incentive in seeing only a reduced number of faithful that they try to walk by the road of the sanctity, placing GOD courageously as larger and more sublime objective, in the existence.
Confirming the indispensable value of The LORD’S SPIRIT in the life of humanity, JESUS during the Last Supper, in the Speech of Farewell, revealed with emphasis at the Apostles the greatness of the "force" of the SPIRIT, and the extraordinary work that HE would accomplish in benefit of all the generations:
"Who doesn't love
me, he doesn't keep my words; and the words that you hear is not mine, but of
the FATHER that sent ME. These things I have said being among you. But the
PARACLETE, the SACRED SPIRIT that the FATHER will send in my name,
is that will teach you everything and he will remind you everything that I told you”.
(John 14, 24-26)
Then you see:
“... HE will teach you everything and will remind
you that I told you”. This is the Mission
of the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, that JESUS announced and that the Apostles have had
a surprising experience, in Pentecost’s Day. The Apostles had lived together with
JESUS during the Public Life, they saw the greatness of HIS Work supernatural:
curing blinds, lames, epileptics, exorcising people that were in the ownership of
Satan, and also, HE resuscitated dead people, even so, "the times they doubted OF HIM". They didn't perceive HIS Divinity and they didn't understand the purpose
of HIS Mission. Even after all the events that culminated with the Death and
Resurrection of The LORD, and when HE if was preparing to come back at the
ETERNAL FATHER, didn't they still understand HIS Mission, still they
asked HIM: "The LORD,
will be now that You have to restore the royalty in Israel "? (Acts 1, 6) This means to say, that in spite of they
have seen wonderful thing and so much HIS teachings have heard, they didn't understand
the main objective and the content of JESUS' Work.
Ten days after The LORD’s
Ascension, happened the great manifestation that astonished a lot of people in
Jerusalem; the HOLY GHOST came in the fullness of the Divine force and threw
from above the Apostles and OUR LADY in the Cenacle, fire tongues on his
heads, operating a wonderful miracle. It happened as if they had removed the lids
closed yours heard and drew the veil it impeded the lucidity of the vision; vision;
instantly they have understood the extraordinary JESUS' Work, everything that
HE represented, HIS Personality, HIS Obedience at the ETERNAL FATHER,
as the Writings IN HIM if accomplished, the truth of HIS teachings and the
mission that HE left for each one of them to impel the Church, who
was born in that moment.
This, my dear, it is the HOLY
SPIRIT that lives inside each one of us that we receive on day of our Baptism
and that we need to know HIM, waking up HIM in our heart, stimulating HIM with
prayers and love's attitudes, in order of we can feel the vibrations of HIS
precious charismas, that operate truly in all the people, inspiring the
conscience of the individual usefulness of each one in the humanity and mainly,
adjusting the character and the people's virtues, giving opportunity at the
faithful of to look for the Divine model, in order to reach the interior peace
and the existential joy, for its personal satisfaction and larger honor and
glory of the BLESSED TRINIDAD that created us.