Sacred Writing doesn't inform, but for Tradition we know that the parents of MARY of
Nazareth called themselves Joachim and Anne.
From 1584 the Church commemorates in July 26, the "JESUS' Grandparents" birthday.
OUR LADY was born pure and without any stain, free of the effects of the Original Sin and graces exuberant of the Almighty, by merit of being the LORD'S MOTHER. The fact probably happened on year 732 the Rome’s foundation, if we accept that JESUS was born on year 748, according to the calculations elaborated by specialists, confirming this way, that VIRGIN MARY was 16 years of age old when SHE gave the light to the REDEEMER in the Bethlehem’s Grotto.
- The Church celebrates GOD MOTHER’S
birthday on September 8th, although our BLESSED MOTHER, at the time of
Apparitions in Medjugorje (June 1981), SHE informed to the seers that was born
on August 5th.
There are two facts that have happened in the same day and that they help to confirm the possible date of MARY’S birthday. The facts collaborate effectively and guide us to accept as correct, the day August 5th. Considering that "the coincidences" exist and without any doubt, they are Divine Providence's Work, then we can to accept this date as true.
The first fact happened in August, year 352, in Rome, with a snowfall miraculous, in Esquiline Hill. Giovanni Patricio and his wife dreamed that VIRGIN MARY wanted a Church in HER homage and informed that the place would be marked snow-covered. In the dream, OUR LADY appeared with the Boy JESUS in the arms, and asked to the couple to take the news to His Holiness. In the audience with the Pope Liberian (352-366), when the couple described their dream, the Pontiff stayed surprised and admired, because he had also received the same message while he was sleeping. For that reason he decided to check up that coincidence. He and one companion went to see the place and they found covered with snow in the middle of the summer in Italy. It was day August 5th, 352. The Pope has built in the place indicated by the VIRGIN the LIBERIAN BASILICA or CHURCH SAINT MARY’S SNOW, and also, in the same date he instituted the Celebration of OUR LADY’S SNOW, or of the WHITE VIRGIN, in honor of the GOD'S MOTHER.
The second fact happened in the year 431, when Pope Celestin I (422-432) ordered Ephesus’s Council, June 22nd to July 31st. In this Ecumenical Council was recognized and officially proclaimed the MATERNITY MARY’S DIVINE. On day August 5th in Rome, His Holiness celebrating the Saint Mass he read "in that day" the text of the Dogma of OUR LADY'S DIVINE MATERNITY.
In the Pontificate of Pope Sixth III (432-440), successor of the Pope Celestin I, other temple was built in the same place indicated by the VIRGIN MARY, in the Esquiline Hill, in Rome, in honor of OUR LADY, with a solid and very well calculated structures, with beautiful Ionic columns, and three magnificent aisles (space in the Church from entrance until the sanctuary). The old Church built by Pope Liberian disappeared in the time without to leave any vestige. The new temple was denominated BASILICA OF SAINT MARY MAGGIORE (Saint Mary, the Greatest). The denomination is referred to the greatness of HER virtues, and the immense intercession power near of GOD. Along the centuries, the Basilica received many improvements, admirable paintings, craftsmanship with gold in the lining and in the altars, floors ceramic with special drawings, notable images, and artistic sculptures that transformed the Temple into a majestic Basilica, one of the most important and prettier of the world. Annually on day August 5th are renewed the homage to OUR LADY. They if multiply in parties and celebrations, remembering with enthusiasm and happiness the anniversary of Basilica’s Construction, a worthy and precious present of humanity in honor of OUR LADY, as a love sign to HER in the parties of Your birthday.
- HER childhood went calm and glad, as all the others children
surrounded by the affections of their parents and members of the family.
At the three years of age conform the precepts of Jewish’s law, SHE was taken to the Temple in Jerusalem to be Presented and Consecrated to GOD. The Moses law (Lv 27,1-6) it determined obligations for children of both sexes. The children have to be Presented, Consecrated and Offered to GOD for all lifetime, and then, the parents to rescue them, they may to pay a tribute in silver grams (silver cycle, coin of the time).
The years have passed and MARY grew in grace, beauty and lovely, revealing great interest for the rolls of papyruses of the Sacred Writings, that were kept inside of a trunk in the house that served as synagogue, for the weekly meetings of the Jews of Nazareth.
When the children they completed 12 years of age, so much for the boys as for the Israel girls, it was a time of very special meaning, because in agreement with the habits and the law, the boys acquired the civil rights and are transformed in Jews citizens; the girls are considered “gedulah ", are legally authorized to get married. Thus, reaching this age, with the help of the law the marriage contracts were elaborated.
When she completed twelve years of age, has happened MARY'S first manifestation with relation to the ideal of her life. The parents have talked with HER about the law formalities and too, in the great interest of many young for HER…… They have conversed also about the subject of a possible marriage.
MARY always was very docile and obedient HER parents and for this, we can presume that SHE must have said with great respect a sincere argumentation. HER feelings had grown in a more sublime direction and to other project, although the heart of your parents was wanting a Matrimonial Alliance.
With certainty they haven't understood their daughter's words, however, same without to understand the explanation, have trusted, conscious that SHE had always demonstrated a matured procedure, with responsible attitudes and an exact accomplishment of the obligations.
Truly, by the sacred papyruses MARY knew the CREATOR and soon SHE has felt an immense love for HIM, by the greatness of the Divine goodness and the incommensurable dimension of LORD'S mercy. SHE was always thinking in the Divine manifestations SHE has read in the papyruses and your love has grown more and more. HER love so much developed that it reached an immense greatness, occupying HER mind and all the fibers of the heart. MARY has felt who was a necessity of your soul to please the GOD in every moment of HER existence. Therefore, in the daily works and even in the smallest and more modest occupations, SHE accomplished with interest, zeal and perfection, because understood that all HER acts were parts of life and, thus, if they may be accomplished with more attention and very love, undoubtedly it will please the BLESSED ETERNAL FATHER much more. And like this SHE proceeded! Always worried in to innovate and to discover a new way, a gesture of more signification, which it could show the delicacy and the immensity of HER love, MARY idealized the cultivation of a precious virtue. Guided for a singular decision, SHE decided to maintain the virginity as the best manner that found to please more still the ETERNAL FATHER.
But in that time, the habits and the Jewish law didn't prescribe the virginity, it didn't simply exist. Every woman should get married to have her children and to create her offspring. Then it evidences here the courage and maximum expression of the wish power of that woman! She imagined a more sacred and genuine way to please GOD and with determination placed it in practice, tranquil and without fear. SHE has assumed the risk to be mocked by your Community Jewish, to be considered as being punished by the LORD, by not to be married and nor to have children. Because in the Jewish interpretation of the Old Testament the woman that doesn't have children the law was considering dishonored and so, it was an ignominious fact, as having received a punishment of GOD. (Genesis 30.23)(1 Samuel 1.5-8) (Genesis 30.23)(1 Samuel 1.5-8)
However, MARY stayed steadfast and inflexible, in HER resolution and in the secret ideal that only SHE and the SACRED FATHER knew.
- He was carpenter and manufacturer of several wood utensils:
doors, windows,
coach, plows, etc. He has had more courage than
the other boys and if approached of Joachim’s family, establishing friendship
with all people, because he was sympathizing with MARY and wanted to frequent
the house of her parents.
In the opportunities He spoke with HER about his work, the plans and projects for the future, describing picturesque cases that happened with family in order to do her to smile and to participate of his life.
SHE was always reserved, hearing his narratives with politeness. Although his subjects and attentions were pleasing her, however SHE didn't stimulate him. It allowed the things happening between them, but only as good-neighbor in the small village of Nazareth.
However, with the sequence of visits, the interest of Joseph by HER grew and became fuller of enthusiasm. He was animated and didn't hide the reactions. SHE at the opposite, it stayed with visible discretion and in silence, only hearing his insinuations. Nevertheless, in the continuity of the visits, the understanding between both expanded and strengthened giving courage to MARY to entrust Joseph the great secret of HER life. In one day, when they were talking about the existence, SHE explained to him who liked his company and sympathized with him, but SHE wished to continue as good-friends, because HER ideal was other. SHE told him who had dedicated all your life and your virginity to GOD, that was truly your great love and for WHOM HER heart passionately was pulsating strong with the best and greater zeal of your soul.
Joseph was perplexed! He didn't believe that was hearing those words... As all Jew, he wanted to get married, to have children and to build his descendants. For this reason, he stayed so much admired with that revelation that he didn't know what to say! By woman's words that he loved, he felt your dreams to fall down as small castles of sand in the beach being destroyed by the waves of the sea!
He passed several days in
meditating about the future and his life without HER. After a long reflection,
he was induced by a right and balanced reasoning. He found a solution that would
reconcile the purpose of her and your wish. The
truth is that Joseph wanted to live together her for ever, because he felt that
SHE was irreplaceable in your existence, by the exceptional qualities and HER
fascinating beauty.
With the heart overflowing of tenderness he went to meet with MARY... He fastened eyes in HER and with conviction to have made the best choice, he proposed also would make the perpetual chastity vote if SHE to marry with him, for both together to dedicate for GOD virginity's purity as well as the work and the own life.
MARY accepted Joseph's proposal. It was the ideal solution for the two, because being married they could cultivate the chastity without nobody to perceive, accomplishing the nobleman and singular purpose pleasing at GOD, for happiness of the couple and a demonstration of love immense to the LORD.
Following the laws and the Jewish habit, the marriage contract was made, they have stayed betrothed. Shortly would begin the preparations for the ceremony of the Weddings and the happiness had already occupied a precious dimension in the couple heart.