The Eucharist is the center of the faith that congregates the Christians of the whole world in face of the reality that The LORD JESUS CHRIST is present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Host and in the Consecrated Wine. It was the sensitive way chosen by HIM to stay near those loves HIM and need of the help Divine.
However along the Christianity’s History, some Christians and non Christians in several parts of the world they place doubt in the Christian Truth, arguing that the Host it’s only a "Symbol" of the JESUS' presence and that the Holy Mass, is not the memorial of the Passion and Sacrifices of the GOD’S SON, but simply the memory of the last banquet accomplished in the Cenacle on Jerusalem, that is to say, memory of the Last Dinner that the LORD participated in company of Your Apostles. And in the same incredulity line, some persons affirm that the "physical presence" of CHRIST in the Host and in the Consecrated Wine is ridiculous and asking the question: how many millions of JESUS exists?
Nevertheless, the Institution of the Eucharist Sacrament
"not is a fantasy", was not
invented by the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church and also it’s not a "representation of GOD", but "LORD’s Real and Presence Adorable" in the middle of the
people that HIMSELF created, that HE guides, HE sustains, inspires and protects to the course
of the existence. HE wishes that each person feel pleasure in to live and it may to execute with more
zeal, dignity and joy the mission of your life, at the same time which erects in the eternity his
definitive habitation and also receives now on the present, the paternal and Divine benefit for
your fidelity at the CREATOR.
Here, in this Site, you will find the citations of the Holy Bible that announce the creation of the Divine Sacrament showing the biblical versicles with the LORD’s words Instituting the Eucharist, as well as a substantial argument evidencing the existence of the phenomenon of the "Transubstantiation" during the Holy Mass. By the action of the HOLY SPIRIT happens the transformation of the bread and wine, into Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of JESUS, although are conserved seemingly the same species of bread and wine. This reality is authenticated by a notable quantity of supernatural manifestations, in which the LORD proves of an impressive and admirable way, Your Divine Presence in the Sacred Communion.
For that reason, this presentation besides to be a precious testimony for those that are faithful, also represents, above all, a serious alert for those are distant, which don't believe in the Eucharist’s Sacrament and the value of Holy Mass. Because in face of the truth that the CREATOR shows to humanity through the Eucharistic Miracles, the contrary arguments became without any consistency and for this, they fall on the ridicule.
So being, the accompaniment attentive of the several texts and facts here described, are a spiritual instrument of catechesis effective, useful to all the people because will stimulate each one to manifest your friendship at the LORD and the desire of love HIM much more.
The LORD’s first miracle happened in Cana, in the Galilee, on attention the request of HIS MOTHER, transforming water in wine, impressing the Disciples by greatness of the Divine power. The John’s Gospel (2.2-11) narrates the event.
Later on has accomplished the magnificent and admirable Miracle of Breads’ Multiplications that was described and enhanced by the four evangelists: Matthew (14,16-21), Matthew (15,32-38), Mark (6,35-44), Luke (9,13-17) and John (6,1-13). OUR LORD proposes the idea that the abundant multiplication of the bread to satiate a starving crowd does a concrete allusion and prefigures in the mind of the faithful the Eucharist Sacrament. The Eucharist is the own GOD for the life of the world. Of the same manner that mysteriously HE has multiplied the breads to satiate "materially" the hunger of the people, the SON OF GOD multiplies HIMSELF daily in thousands of Consecrated Particles in all the Holy Mass celebrated in the world, to satiate "spiritually" the hunger of graces of all the generations, giving HIMSELF as food for the spirit, a Sacrament of Life and Love, for all they wanted HIS Friendship, the Affection, the Protection and HIS Adorable company, because HE is "the Bread of the Eternal Life".
However, JESUS wanted to leave the things to happen usually. HE did not want to anticipate at the facts. HE decided to teach and to explain the doctrine, before to Institute the Eucharist Sacrament, because knowing the habits and the Jewish tradition, HE waited a resistance type that would be placed by the Jews to accept Your Divine Word. In the sixth Chapter of John's Gospel, we appreciate in fullness the LORD’s catechesis and the obstacles that soon HE found among the own Disciples, simple and ignorant men, that didn't understand the essence of the meaning of Your Words. HE said:
"Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the SON OF MAN will give you. For on him the FATHER, GOD, has set his seal".(John 6.27)
Then, the Disciples asked HIM: where is the eternal food?
Jesus said them:"I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst".(John 6,35)
Hearing these words, some of those who followed HIM began to murmur saying that it was not possible because HE was Joseph's Son the Carpenter that everybody knew. Then, how would HE might to be, the Bread that came of the Heaven, the Bread of the Life?
JESUS seeing the incredulity of those men, HE said: "I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died; this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die".(John 6,48-50)
It was necessary to insist and to continue with Your authentic argument:"I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world".(John 6,51)
This comment still caused larger consternation among the Disciples, because The LORD spoke objectively, without excuses and without circumlocutions, of the reality that they needed to understand. Everybody they had to eat HIS Meat... But this it was an inconceivable act in the thought of that time and mainly unacceptable in the Jews’ reasoning. But JESUS spoke serious of a mysterious secret that had not been revealed to them. For this reason it emphasized the meaning of the words that HE said:
"The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, how can this man give us (his) flesh to eat? JESUS said to them, amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the SON OF MAN and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him".(John 6,53-56)
Then understand, JESUS was not establishing symbols and HE was not speaking in a comparative way. HE spoke ABOUT HIM same, of HIS Flesh and of HIS Blood that would be given for the life of the world. They were in the Synagogue in Cafarnaum, and many of Your Disciples, hearing those words, they said: "This word is hard! Who can hear it?" They stayed discouraged and without stimulus to continue in the mission.
HE still said:
"It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life".(John 6,63)
OUR LORD knew from the beginning, the strong impact that would cause HIS words and also it expected the reaction of the Disciples that didn't believe. Truthfully, many soon they if have revealed leaving the mission and they have abandoned JESUS. Observing that the twelve Apostles have stayed, JESUS then said: "Do you also want to leave"? (John 6.67)
Simon Peter answered HIM:
"MASTER, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the HOLY ONE OF GOD". (John 6,68-69)
Peter's confession was authentic and wonderful, because without to understand the Divine mystery, he accepted the LORD’s words, if convinced that they were the "expression of the Truth".
JESUS with patience and objectivity went catechizing the heart of those that HE had chosen to be witness of Your Resurrection and also to divulge the Christianity for the world. HE said to the Disciples: the doctrines that I teach is not MINE, but of MY FATHER that sent ME for the mission. Then they have believed IN HIM.
Proceeding like this, OUR LORD drove with fearlessness and sanctity Your Divine Mission in order to rescue and to redeem the humanity of all the generations, in obedience at the ETERNAL FATHER, besides offering a testimony of infinite dimensions of HIS Love for us.