Synopsis of the Dogma:
The HOLY SPIRIT or HOLY GHOST is the THIRD PERSON of the BLESSED TRINITY. HE is really distinct, as a PERSON, from the FATHER and the SON. HE is consubstantial with THEM; being GOD like THEM; HE possesses with THEM one and the same Divine Essence and Nature. HE proceeds, not by way of generation, but by way of expiration (exhalation). The HOLY SPIRIT is expired from the FATHER (it emanates of the FATHER), together and through of the SON, in continues and without interruption, in full love communion, as from a single principle.
it should not constitute a preoccupation and one challenge only to sharpen
the people's curiosity, instigating some discovery, stimulating a frenzied
search of knowledge and information, to satisfy an inside anxiety about
the SPIRIT. This dimension can also be wanted, it is natural. But primordially
the search must to be accomplished as way of demonstrating affection and
love at the HOLY GHOST. In truth, the mysterious veil that it hides the
LORD’S SPIRIT should invite us to a larger and deeper reflection about
our own life. We are invited to understand the need to print more sanctity
in the actions, undertaking a process of effective conversion of the heart,
in order we can to create a favorable atmosphere of sincere devotion at the
SPIRIT OF GOD. This with the intention to propitiate HIM to find in each
person an appropriate land where HE will can operate with freedom. And this
way, HE can be understood and admired by the incommensurable value of
HIS Works, by Effusion of the Charismas that graciously spills on all humanity
and by the impressive shine of HIS Divine Light, that it guides, it lights up,
it protects, it vivifies and it sanctifies, all those who they seek HIS invaluable
and precious aid.
In many supernatural manifestations the LORD invite us to penetrate in the mystery of the Seven Gifts of the SPIRIT, as road of life for the accomplishment of all ideals, because they give inspiration and guide our existence in order of us to reach the true happiness.
Because the SPIRIT is that it preserves the soul of the bad disposition, of the scandals and of the strong Satan’s temptations, driving us in sanctity, helping us to grow in grace and wisdom, for the faithful to be not dragged by the mistakes that are spread dangerously even at the Church.
For that reason, the LORD teach us: to ask the
of Knowledge or of Science", for the person to be not involved involuntarily
by the distortions that they do of the Divine Word, by ignorance or on purpose,
with some bad objectify; only seeking the correct and real sense of facts that
reveals us the CREATOR.
HE still teaches us, to supplicate at the HOLY GHOST, asking HIM that grants us
"SPIRIT of Wisdom", so that HE visits our spirit poverty
and with HIS Divine emanation, only drive our steps for the celestial things,
that are permanent, saints and durables.
To implore by the "SPIRIT of Understanding and Intelligence"
, to cure with
HIS rays fulgurous our nullity, illuminating the knowledge, doing with that the
things that seemed dark and out of reach, they can be revealed and discoveries,
allowing to develop our soul in direction the Divine Truth.
This because, the HOLY SPIRIT assisting our supplications will illuminate the eyes of the soul as a present Friend in the needs, giving us a rich perception spirit, to we penetrate resolutely in the CREATOR'S Mystery, not hiding us any secret and providing teachings that no spirit understands, because it transcends the human intelligence, it enters in the impenetrable and in the imperishable, reaching the GOD’S deepness. And all the things that seemed without explications to our spirit, they will be understood perfectly under the Divine Light.
The LORD recommends
that we ask the
"SPIRIT of Counsel", that makes us to want the personal integrity, the
kindness and the loyalty, that it allows us to combat and to remove the roots of
the evil: not humiliating anybody and nor if showing superior to the others people;
always serving the cause of the good; alleviating the oppressed and those suffer
injustice; stimulating the people not practice the evil and trying to help an at
other mutually; and respecting, fearing and loving the CREATOR.
To beg also, asking
"SPIRIT of Strength", because went the LORD who said: this Gift will be not
only given to the Angels. Because he turns capable the people to preacher the Divine
Word with authority and sanctity, just as to practice the Tradition of the Church with
fidelity, giving testimony of the Truth with zeal and courage, besides infusing forces
and perseverance to the faithful to surpass all the obstacles that they impede the
trajectory to GOD.
Also to ask the
it teaches us the knowledge of the sacred things and makes us to understand
that the Godliness is stronger in the submission, in the humility and in the
renouncement, because approximates the people of the Divine model,
transforming the behavior personal and improving the virtues in the daily.
And as last supplication,
to implore at the DIVINE SPIRIT the "SPIRIT of Holy Fear", that it teaches us to keep, to honor
and to respect the Saint Name of GOD; learning to incline our head deeply, for HIM to be seen;
lowering the volume and the impetuousness of our voice, for to hear the Voice OF HIM; so proceeding,
to discover us the Divine Intentions, the Desires and the CREATOR'S Supreme Will. And then,
only elevating our voice in laud and in honor of the glorious the LORD’S Presence, and learning how
to lift our head only to seek HIM, and also, to look for the Heaven... The "SPIRIT of Holy Fear"
acts inside the people, making them
to understand how much the submission seduces
at the LORD and for
"more austere"
that can to appear, it is the
"opening" by
which HE enters in the heart of faithful, giving him console and protecting your life.
Without doubt, the CREATOR will receive our submission of Holy Fear, as if it
received a perfumed and wonderful crown of flowers, and HIM, the All Powerful
TRINITARIAN GOD, thanked by the effort made by HIS children, fatherly HE will
show the greatness of HIS infinite love, covering the faithful with an
invincible sanctity, of way that some residue of "anarchy" or of "spiritual indolence" who can still exist in the people they will be eliminated,
as well as all the evil that there be will disappear definitively, as the dew of the morning
that if dissipate with the arrival of the sun.
With the powers of the
HOLY SPIRIT, the people will be as brave warriors, fearless and full of vigor; ready
at to combat the good combat of the faith and of the justice, that will go to associate them
at the Archangels of GOD, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, in the terrible spiritual battle
of everyday and of the End of the Times.Replete of charismas the people will have forces
and disposition from to persevere before the obstacles, taking with dignity and respect,
the cross of the existence, and with your own sufferings of each day and of the generosity
of your heart, they will be deserved partners in the triumph of