On Tuesday, totally recovered from the illness that had kept him in bed, he said goodbye to Yossef and to his family, thanking them for the care and the great hospitality. Then he went to re-present at his military superior.
As they were in time of little work, with peace reigning in the whole Jewish territory, he spoke with the Commandant of the Garrison about the possibility of being absent from the work for 60 days, in order to visit his parents and friends in his hometown.
The official Cornelius, recognizing the soldier's good qualities, his competence in the missions that he carried out during the eight years of legion, never forgetting the commitments, he heard with sympathy his request, promising to give him an answer very shortly.
Longinus obediently thanked him, and went for the lodging, in order if to join to military companions.
In the place where he kept the belongings: clothes, personal objects, the lance also could be seen in a corner of the closet. He observed that the stain of blood continued unalterable, as well as the stain on his right hand's palm. He sat down on the bed, looked at hand slowly, and examined the blood on the lance. A feeling of sadness and happiness mixed up into his heart, convincing him that a very sincere affection by the Crucified Man had just begun. He remembered Yossef’s words, and then, He perceived that when thought in the LORD, the image was very alive in his mind, leaving him excited, with the heartbeat accelerated and a great desire to know HIM better.
Affectionately he ran his hand in the lance and, thoughtfully, stayed there for a long time. He felt a great pleasure to have that object in his hands, because he began to understand who was a very singular instrument which should be kept diligently, and with much respect, because it was more an alive witness of GOD'S SON among us.
Although he had been the author of the profanation of the dead Body of the LORD nailing the lance in HIS Heart, was convinced that would be forgiven by GOD, due to the infinite greatness of the Divine Mercy. For that reason, he should seek an efficient way to repair that offense, this for own interior satisfaction and also for peace in his mind. He wrapped the lance with a fabric and hid it carefully in the closet. For the work, he requested another at the manager of the depot, saying that he had lost his lance in the "mission of Golgotha". The boss believed but he had to pay by the new lance and the value it would go out of his salary.
Some days later, the official Cornelius called him and said that the authorization to be absent from Jerusalem had been granted. Longinus was happy, and in this same day he went to Yossef's house to say good-bye and to thank for everything that he had done for him. As the friend was not there, he decided to wait and stayed for lunch.
After the meal, the two came out to the front part of the house in search of a place where they could speak without being interrupted. At this time the centurion told at the friend about the events in the "mission of Golgotha", inclusive he even showed the right hand stained by CHRIST'S blood, revealing the immense regret that felt and the storm of fears which flooded his soul.
Yossef stayed very sensitized... He hugged and comforted the friend, filling him with hope in the LORD'S infinite mercy.
They talked for a long time and have made plans for the future, then, they have said a good-bye affectionate.
In that same day, Longinus got a transport in a legion companion's vehicle that drove him to Caesarea, port Israelite in the Mediterranean Sea.